Animals are NPCs found throughout Calligo that can be hunted for resources or domesticated by players. All animals feature a basic roaming AI, enabling them to navigate the world. Currently, animals are categorized into two behaviour types: Aggressive and Passive.
Aggressive Animals
Aggressive animals are hostile to players, attacking on sight. When a land-based aggressive animal spots a player, it will lock onto them, rotate to face them, and, after a brief delay, charge forward to attack. In contrast, air-based aggressive animals, such as the Dire Raven , will fly directly toward their target without any delay. Players can escape an aggressive animal’s aggro range before it charges, causing the animal to disengage. Striking an animal from behind will cause it to flee; however, if an animal is attacked during its charge delay, it will attack immediately. With the exception of air-based aggressive animals, staying on roads will avoid aggression.
List of Aggressive Animals
Passive Animals
Passive animals are timid around players and will attempt to flee on sight unless specific conditions are met. Foals, such as the Horse Foal and Donkey Foal
, or Chicken
can be domesticated and led by the player when holding the appropriate type of animal feed, such as Equine Feed
or Chicken Feed
. Other animals, such as the Rabbit
and Deer
, can only be hunted for resources.