Update Pre-alpha Test 21

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Pre-Alpha Test Mar 22 - Key Changes

The following only represents significant and not all changes in the build this afternoon. As a reminder, during pre-alpha both small and large changes will occur without warning to facilitate rapid development and experimentation.


  • New Feature: Heating Vat
    • Used to heat various ingredients into crafting materials
    • Crude Resin can be converted into Rosin
    • Thick Leather and Tree Seeds can be converted into Tanned Thick Leather
    • Requires Water and a combustible Fuel like Wood Planks
    • Maintains a certain temperature, which dictates the quality of output materials
  • New Feature: Crude Resin
    • New crafting resource
    • Procured from broken trees near Bear dens
  • New Feature: Rosin
    • New crafting material
  • New Feature: Strong Sinew
    • New crafting material
  • New Feature: Sinew Bowstring
    • New crafting material
  • New Feature: Family Roles
    • Family members can now be assigned the "Manager role", which gives Founder privileges to other members
    • Travelling across region borders on vehicles with multiple passengers is now supported (including Boats)
  • Settlements Core only grows from population increase but doesn't shrink
  • Settlement Centers can't be built too close to a region border
  • Interim Lords (initial builder) are clearly labelled as such, reducing confusion around Settlement Status voting mechanics
  • Camps can now be built inside enemy Settlement perimeters (but outside the Settlement Core)
  • Beacon Tower map information from all regions are now shown to players instead of only from the local region
  • Unpledged players can now deploy to a Settlement location for improved first time user experience
  • Families are now only allowed to claim one Family Hall at a time
  • Family Homesteads can no longer be built if there are other structures within it's potential build radius
  • Build menu icon ordering changed for some structures
  • Elite Boar, Bear, and Wolf icons on the map are now visually different from their non-elite counterparts
  • Iron now requires a Bronze Pickaxe to harvest
  • Repair Benches Homestead and Settlement Core Tier requirement reduced to Tier 1 and cost has changed:
  • Removed Stone Brick and Iron Ingot Cost
  • Added 5x Stone Fragment to cost
  • Arrows cost changed
    • Wood Planks 3 -> 2
    • Feathers 3 -> 2
    • Flint 4 -> 3
  • Short Bow durability increase by 20%
  • Bronze Pickaxe durability increased by 25%
  • Bronze Knife durability increased by 13%
  • Bronze Sword damage increased by 7%
  • Bronze Spear damage increased by 5%
  • Torch cost updated to 1x Branches and 1x Fibre but is produced one at a time
  • All armour cost reduced but is now produced one at a time
  • Elite Boars Leather drop increased from 2 -> 3
  • Boar Leather drop increased from 1 -> 2
  • Deer Leather drop increased from 1 -> 2
  • Silver cost to become a Serf decreased from 250 to 100
  • Silver cost to become a Ceorl decreased from 1000 to 400
  • Boar Dens have been added
  • Stone Fragment piles as re now distributed around Boar Dens
  • Homestead Tax system is temporarily disabled
  • Makeshift Walls clipping inside elevated Fort structure
  • Some items have been renamed
  • Raven Dens now have a map icon
  • Family Hall now has a map icon
  • Frame rate improved when walking around densely placed Fort structures
  • Carts can now store Water
  • Only certain structures are vaultable now
  • Bandwidth optimizations for Animals
  • Workbench and Advanced Workbench inventories no longer accept items without 100% durability

Bugs Fixes

  • Only the player who built a Camp has permissions to build structures within the Camp area
  • When eating, the lowest quality stack of a food item is always the one consumed
  • Alerts not hiding with the rest of the UI when toggling via O key
  • Building is disabled on Homesteads far enough from the Settlement Core
  • Other player's Shield stance is incorrect when leaving and re-entering visible range
  • Temperature bar not updating accurately
  • Some structures built on a Homestead area are public
  • Camp Stockades can't be damaged
  • Reinforcement and Labourer Supplies not produced in Crates
  • Homesteads become public when the Settlement Core grows into them
  • Armour and Helmet aren't mitigating damage Bug (High Impact)
  • Sinew Bow String has an invisible durability and can't be placed in certain structures' inventories
  • Chickens are semi invisible at Low and Medium graphic settings
  • Family Alliances aren't allowing for building in each other's Homestead Areas
  • Ladders are using the incorrect texture
  • Stone Anvil inventory accepts any item in the inventory instead of only compatible ones
  • Environment prop barrels have no collisions
  • Falling snow VFX is sometimes culled unintentionallly
  • Map intelligence observable radius is not shown to the user for Settlement Centers when zoomed in
  • Deploying sometimes fail when attempting to deploy at a cramped Tent
  • Shields can be used to cause sword damage without having a Sword equipped

22/Mar/2024 - Build 64437

