Update Pre-alpha Test 22

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Pre-Alpha Test April 9 - Key Changes

The following only represents significant and not all changes in the build this afternoon. As a reminder, during pre-alpha both small and large changes will occur without warning to facilitate rapid development and experimentation.


  • Town Beds
  • Barracks Cots have been converted into a new "Town Beds" structures
  • Town Beds can be built in Family Hall interiors
  • Town Beds allow players to deploy to the Settlement Core (See Redeployment below)
  • Multiple Deployment Points
    • Players can now choose to deploy at either their Homestead OR Settlement Core, provided that they have a House Bed and a Town Bed claimed
    • Players can manually Redeploy using an action button at their Homestead or Settlement Center
  • New Upkeep system (Decay mechanics)
    • Structure decay has been re-enabled (after it was temporarily disabled from prior tests)
    • Decay is now prevented by Silver instead of Labourer Supplies (which have been removed)
    • Silver at Homesteads prevents decay for structures within the Homestead Area
    • Silver at Settlement Centers prevents decay for structures within the Settlement Core
    • A portion of Silver used to prevent decay at Homesteads is paid to the Settlement Center as Taxes
    • Upkeep also repairs damaged structures
    • Settlement Centers starts with a small amount of Silver
    • Silver can only be removed at Homesteads/Settlement Centers by players with the right permissions
    • Silver has a random chance of dropping from Berry Bushes, Branch Piles, and Flint Piles
  • Marketplace Area
    • Allows Marketplace Shops to be built in the Settlement Core
    • Marketplace Areas are now required to upgrade a Settlement Tier
      • Note: Marketplace Shops can no longer be built at Homesteads
  • Serfs and Ceorls can now build in the Settlement Core (but have more limited Dismantle permissions)
  • When Gate restriction mode is toggled on, the behaviour is now different depending on whether or not the structure is built in a Settlement Core or Homestead area:
  • If the Gate is in the Settlement Core, the Gate can only be opened by Lords/Thanes in restricted mode
  • If the Gate is in a Homestead Area, the Gate can only be opened by family Founders & Managers for that Homestead
  • Beacon Towers built at higher altitudes (like mountains) have further range
  • Build and fuel costs have increased as a result
  • When Homesteads are destroyed, they enter into and remain in a Collapsed state for 24 hours where they can't be destroyed but can be rebuilt
  • Wild Spawn points near enemy Settlements are no longer available
  • Enemy Settlements are always visible on the map now (since the Wild Spawn points would hint at their location anyways)
  • Settlements can now be built closer to region borders
  • Family Halls now have interiors where Town Beds can be built
  • Ground Animals will now enter a "posturing" state for a period of time before attacking
  • Ground Animals will no longer miss their first attack
  • Ground Animals now have much futher vision
  • Player health continues to restore after dying and respawning provided the restoration timer hasn't expired
  • Canals, Canal Storage, and Aqueducts can now be vaulted
  • Timing is now tighter to achieve quality Food items when cooking
  • Hints (tutorial) at the top right corner of the HUD has been updated to reflect latest gameplay
  • Fist attack no longer damages vehicles
  • Workbenches, Advanced Workbench, and Mills can no longer queue up new orders if they are Torched
  • Settlement Cores grow larger now and slightly more per player
  • Beacon Tower map icon (in the center) is now hidden at higher zoom levels
  • Parapets tooltips now mention that they do not decay
  • Performance greatly increased around large Fort builds with many pieces
  • Various server performance optimizations

Game Balance

  • Oil Flasks now require 2x Animal Fat instead of 1x
  • Food overall restores less hunger, health, and stamina based on quality
  • Higher end foods like Pies, Boiled Eggs, etc have longer restore durations now
  • Iron Mines produce significantly less Iron before collapsing
  • Wells are now buildable in the Settlement Core
  • Canal Storage is now buildable in the Settlement Core
  • Stockades buildable at Homesteads and Settlement Cores
  • Stockades cost increased from 2 to 3 Branches
  • Sawbuck now produces 5 Deadwood Planks instead of 4
  • Disallow Armour, Weapons, and Food Items to go into left side input inventory for Workbenches/Advanced Workbenches (so they can't be used to mass store these items)
  • Serf status now requires only 50 Silver
  • Ceorl status now requires only 250 Silver

Bug Fixes

  • Upgrading Settlement Centers incorrectly required Family Homesteads instead of Family Halls
  • Various tooltips had outdated information
  • Various HUD notification text has misleading information
  • Various client crashes
  • Various map terrain fixes
  • Only Camp builder can build in a Camp area
  • Hostile Animals can get stuck on various built structures, allowing them to be exploited
  • Aqueducts built outside of Core Area can't be dismantled
  • Repairing doesn't always update the HUD notification message with proper information
  • Players can build in other players' Homesteads
  • Settlements under attack not blinking/being highlighted on the map
  • Cross region Beacon Towers weren't functional
  • Equipment stockpiles are accessible by attackers even without Torching
  • House Bed enclosed placement check is more accurate
  • Thick leather goes into the Drying Rack inventory slot when it shouldn't
  • When a Family Homestead is destroyed and members are removed, their Settlement Pledge & Beds should also be removed
  • Resin Pile Husk has no collision
  • Furnace SFX cuts abruptly when moving around
  • Players can pass through Camp Stockades without taking damage
  • Player held Torch VFX "speeds up" at night
  • Heating Vat water turns blue when refining process completes
  • Contextual mouse hover stays on after alt+tabbing
  • Arrows goe in the Belt slots when they shouldn't
  • Hunger bar isn't accurately updated when respawning / relogging
  • Vehicle's inventory can be opened twice when entering it with "Q+E"
  • Horse ramming can damage enemies in Border Region
  • Animal Den resources are being sent directly to the player's inventory upon destruction
  • Mounting on a structure doesn't recover player Stamina
  • Scythe has no SFX
  • Donkey is missing SFX
  • Planting farm seeds has no SFX
  • SmallRoastedGame doesn't play SFX when eaten
  • No feedback shown sometimes when repair action can't be done due to nearby enemies
  • Logging in to voice chat fails after region travel

9/Apr/2024 - Build 64935



  • Barracks Cot renamed to Town Bed.
  • Bloodberry Field Bar Hunger restored changed from 20 to 50. Health max restored changed from 15 to 10. Stamina max restored changed from 25 to 15
  • Common Meat Hunger restored changed from 20 to 15. Health max restored changed from 20 to 15.
  • Beacon Tower cost changed from 2 to 3 Wood Planks, added to cost 3 [[Fibre] and 3 Stone Off-Cuts.
  • Stockade can now be made in towns.
  • Berry, Flint, and Branch piles now drop low amounts of silver again.
