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A container for packing and transporting items of the same type.
- In-game description.


A Barrel or Crate is a moveable storage container used for transporting bulk items over larger distances. Many diffrent structures produce items in barrel form which then need to be taken to an appropriate unpacking structure, this is often the settlement center, though other structures can also unpack barrels depending on contents. The Barreling Station can also be used to pack multiple of the same item for transport.

List of structures that produce barreled items

Source Type Output Input(s) Method Value

Coming Soon


List of Resources

Berry Bush ResourceBerries.png Branch Pile IconResourceBranches.png Cabbage Plant IconCabbage.png Cassiterite Fragments Pile IconResourceCassiterite.png Clay Pile IconResourceClay.png Coal Pile IconResourceCoal.png Deadwood Tree IconResourceWoodHard.png Flint Pile IconResourceFlint.png Iron Fragments Pile IconResourceIronFragments.png Iron Pile ResourceIron.png Malachite Fragments Pile IconResourceMalachite.png Mireland Beech Tree IconResourceWood03.png North Astrian Pine Tree IconResourceWood02.png Resin Pile IconProcessedResin.png Silver Honey Tree IconResourceWood01.png Stone Fragments Pile IconResourceStoneFragments.png Stone Pile Slab.png Treasure Wheat Plant Wheat.png Wild Cabbage Plant IconCabbage.png Wild Wheat Plant Wheat.png


Berries ResourceBerries.png Branches IconResourceBranches.png Cassiterite Fragments IconResourceCassiterite.png Clay IconResourceClay.png Coal IconResourceCoal.png Crude Resin IconResourceResin.png Dead Wood Log IconResourceWoodHard.png Fibre IconFibre.png Flint IconResourceFlint.png Iron ore ResourceIron.png Iron Ore Fragment IconResourceIronFragments.png Malachite Fragments IconResourceMalachite.png Mireland Beech Log IconResourceWood03.png Mireland Beech Seeds IconTree03Seeds.png North Astrian Pine Log IconResourceWood02.png North Astrian Pine Seeds IconTree02Seeds.png Rock Slab Slab.png Silver Honey Log IconResourceWood01.png Silver Honey Seeds IconTree01Seeds.png Stone Off-Cuts IconResourceStoneFragments.png Strong Sinew IconResourceSinew.png Water Bucket Water.png Wood Ash IconWoodash.png


Animal Fat IconAnimalFat.png Bronze Ingot IconProcessedBronze.png Chicken Feed IconAnimalFeed.png Clay Bricks IconProcessedClay.png Coal Bricks IconProcessedCoal.png Copper Nails IconProcessedNailsCopper.png Dead Wood Planks IconProcessedWoodHard.png Dried Meat IconDriedMeat.png Equine Feed IconAnimalFeedCabbage.png Fertilizer IconFertilizer.png Flour IconWheatFlour.png Gravel IconGravel.png Iron Ingot Ingot.png Limestone IconResourceLimestone.png Mortar IconMortar.png Reinforced Wood Planks WoodReinforcedIcon.png Rosin IconProcessedResin.png Sinew Bow String IconBowString.png Stone Bricks Bricks.png Tanned Thick Leather IconResourceThickLeatherTanned.png Thick Leather IconProcessedThickLeather.png Thin Leather IconLeatherCured.png Wood Blank IconWoodBlank.png Wood Planks Planks.png


Animal Bones IconAnimalBoneSmall.png Animal Shite IconManure.png Astrian Trout IconFishT3.png Bludgeon IconFishT2.png Boar Meat IconResourceMeatBoar.png Chicken Egg IconEggs.png Common Meat IconResourceMeatSmall.png Deer Meat IconResourceMeat.png Feathers IconFeathers.png Thick Pelt IconResourceThickLeather.png Thin Pelt ResourceLeather.png Wights Island Dace IconFish.png

Animal Equipment

Basic Saddle SaddleHorseDefault.png Mill Harness SaddleDonkeyMill.png Pack Saddle SaddleDonkeyLiquid.png


Cabbage IconCabbage.png Cabbage Seed IconCabbageSeeds.png Wheat Seed WheatSeeds.png Wheat Sheaf Wheat.png


Axe Blade IconBladeAxe.png Bronze Axe Blade IconBladeAxeBronze.png Bronze Sword Blade IconBladeSwordBronze.png Bronze Tip Blade IconBladeTipBronze.png Bronze Tool Blade IconBladeToolBronze.png Iron Ingot (Heated) Ingot.png Sword Blade IconBladeSword.png Tool Blade IconBladeTool.png Weapon Tip IconBladeTip.png


Arrows IconArrowQuiver.png Barrel IconBarrel.png Reinforcement Supplies IconReinforcementSupplies.png Repair Materials IconRepairMaterials.png Scorpion Arrows IconScorpionArrow.png Silver Gold.png