Calligan Sword

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Unreleased or Disabled Content

This page contains information about content in Anvil Empires that is unreleased, disabled, or removed from the game. As such it doesn't apply to the current live version.

A fine example of engineering. A short sword with one honed, razor sharp edge.
- In-game description.


Calligan Sword is a relic weapon that can be dropped from animal dens or crafted after being researched in a Temple.

Source Type Output Input(s) Method Value

List of Weapons

Bronze Axe IconAxeBronze.png Bronze Knife IconKnifeBronze.png Bronze Pickaxe IconPickAxeBronze.png Bronze Spear IconSpearBronze.png Bronze Sword IconSwordBronze.png Flint Axe IconAxeStone.png Flint Knife IconKnifeStone.png Flint Pickaxe IconPickaxeStone.png Flint Spear IconSpearStone.png Hands IconBackgroundHandsRight.png Iron Axe IconAxe.png Iron Broadax IconCombatAxe.png Iron Knife IconKnife.png Iron Pickaxe IconPickaxe01.png Iron Scythe IconScythe.png Iron Spear IconSpear.png Iron Sword IconSword.png Oil Flask IconOilFlask.png Short Bow IconBow.png Stone Mallet IconMalletStone.png Torch IconTorch.png