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Anvil Empires will have three player-selectable factions: the Pagans,Ancients and Remnant. Currently only two of those factions; the Ancients, and the Remnant are playable.

The general gameplay of these factions is identical. Currently, the only primary difference between the factions are aesthetics.

The Ancients

Ancient Emblem
The bones of our forefathers shaped the lands of Calligo; pray to your gods and hope they hear you, for if you dare set foot on our soil, every stone, every tree, and even the storms will come to our aid. We are the Mirrish of Calligo, blood of the ancients.
Faction selection screen

The Remnants

Remnant Emblem
For a myriad, the vast Novan Kingdom has endured. With our cities in ruin, our empire routed, we now look to survival. Calligo is a sacred boon, a fertile, verdant land of potential. Do not linger, for we are the Remnant. Let us reclaim that which has been taken from us.
Faction selection screen

The Pagans

Pagan Emblem
Forged in the frigid southern waters of the Wayward Sea, we've tempered our souls within its shining jewels, our Aranic isles. Still, the gods demand new lands with rich soil fed with the lifeblood of our enemies. So north we sailed. We will claim this new land, this Calligo, in their honour.
Faction selection screen
