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Many Structures ingame can be set on Fire, which will slowly cause damage over time until the fire is extinguished.

Fire Mechanic

Fires can be started on a Structure by throwing Torchs or Oil Flasks. Each successive hit with either of these weapons will increase the structures scorch level by 1 up to a maximum of 5. This can be seen visually by the size of the fire. The higher the structures scorch level the harder it becomes to extinguished the fire, and the more damage over time is applied to the target Structure.

Fire Damage

Fires burning on a structure will very slowly cause damage, this can be seen by a growing white/ash texture on the burning structure. Once a certain level of burn has been reached access to the structure will be granted. This allows for raiding without being forced to completely destroy a structure to gain access to its inventory.

Extinguishing Fires

In order to extinguish a fire there are two options, Water Buckets or time. The total number of Water Buckets needed to extinguish any fire is determined by the size of the fire.

Scorch Level Water Required
1 1
2 1
3 2
4 2
5 2

When it comes to time, any sized fire will slowly extinguish itself down through the scorch levels.