Grid Foundation Triangular Stairs CW

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Unreleased or Disabled Content

This page contains information about content in Anvil Empires that is unreleased, disabled, or removed from the game. As such it doesn't apply to the current live version.

Use mouse to raise and lower this structure
- In-game description.


Unreleased or Disabled Content

This page contains information about content in Anvil Empires that is unreleased, disabled, or removed from the game. As such it doesn't apply to the current live version.

Use mouse to raise and lower this structure
- In-game description.

List of Structures
IconFamilyAreaMarker.png Common

Advanced Workbench IconAssemblyStation.png Dirt Path IconRoad.png Homestead IconGroupHouse.png Homestead Bed IconFoundationBed.png Homestead Bunk Beds IconFoundationBedMulti.png Large Homestead IconLargeFamilyCenter.png Magic Box IconStorageChest.png Repair Bench IconRepairMaterials.png Resource Stockpile IconResourceStockpile.png Standing Torch IconTorchStatic.png Storage Chest IconStorageChest.png Workbench IconWorkbench.png

FilterIconsSettlement.png Settlement

Beacon Tower IconBeaconTower.png Family Hall IconFamilyHouse.png Keep IconKeep.png Makeshift Bridge IconWallPlatform.png Merchant IconMerchant.png Supply Shop IconStructureSupplies.png Tavern IconTavern.png Town Marketplace IconMarketplaceShop.png Town Workshop IconToolMaker.png

MapIconHouse.png Housing

Flowers IconCosmeticStructFlowers.png House IconHouse.png

FilterIconsCamp.png Camp

Camp Gate IconGateCamp.png Camp Palisade IconCampWall.png Large Camp IconCamp.png Siege Ladder IconSiegeLadder.png Small Camp IconCamp.png Tent IconCampTent.png

FilterIconsDefenses.png Defense

Fort Gate IconFortGate.png Gate IconGate.png Low Divider IconCosmeticStructDivider.png Makeshift Wall IconWall.png Stockade IconCampStockade.png Tower IconWallTower.png Weapon Stockpile IconWeaponStockpile.png

FilterIconsFoundations.png Foundation

Grid Foundation Arch IconGridFoundation arch.png Grid Foundation Ceiling Corner In IconGridFoundation CeilignCornerIn.png Grid Foundation Ceiling Corner Out IconGridFoundation CeilignCornerOut.png Grid Foundation Ceiling Corner Round IconGridFoundation CeilignCornerRound.png Grid Foundation Ceiling Corner Triangular IconGridFoundation CeilignCornerTriangular.png Grid Foundation Ceiling Edge A IconGridFoundation CeilignEdgeA.png Grid Foundation Ceiling Incline IconGridFoundation CeilignIncline.png Grid Foundation Ceiling Interior A IconGridFoundation CeilignInteriorA.png Grid Foundation Compact Spiral Stairs IconGridFoundation rampSpiralCompact.png Grid Foundation Crenellation Flat IconGridFoundation crenellationFlat.png Grid Foundation Crenellation Ramp IconGridFoundation crenellationRamp.png Grid Foundation Crenellation Round IconGridFoundation crenellationCurved.png Grid Foundation Floor Round IconGridFoundation floorRound.png Grid Foundation Floor Square IconGridFoundation floorSquare.png Grid Foundation Floor Triangular IconGridFoundation floorTriangular.png Grid Foundation Gate IconGridFoundation gate.png Grid Foundation HALF Crenellation IconGridFoundation half crenellation.png Grid Foundation HALF Crenellation Ramp IconGridFoundation half crenellationRamp.png Grid Foundation HALF Ramp IconGridFoundation half ramp.png Grid Foundation Half-Square IconGridFoundation squareHalf.png Grid Foundation Quarter IconGridFoundation quarter.png Grid Foundation QUARTER Ceiling IconGridFoundation quarter ceiling.png Grid Foundation QUARTER Ceiling Incline IconGridFoundation quarter ceilingIncline.png Grid Foundation QUARTER Floor IconGridFoundation quarter floor.png Grid Foundation QUARTER Wall IconGridFoundation quarter wall.png Grid Foundation QUARTER Wall Incline IconGridFoundation quarter wall incline.png Grid Foundation Ramp IconGridFoundation ramp.png Grid Foundation Round IconGridFoundation round.png Grid Foundation Side Ramp IconGridFoundation sideRamp.png Grid Foundation Spiral Stairs IconGridFoundation rampSpiral.png Grid Foundation Square IconGridFoundation square.png Grid Foundation Triangular IconGridFoundation triangular.png Grid Foundation Wall Arch IconGridFoundation wallStraightArch.png Grid Foundation Wall Door IconGridFoundation wallStraightDoor.png Grid Foundation Wall Flat IconGridFoundation wallStraight.png Grid Foundation Wall Incline IconGridFoundation wallIncline.png Grid Foundation Wall Round IconGridFoundation wallRound.png Grid Foundation Wall Round Window IconGridFoundation wallRoundWindow.png Grid Foundation Wall Window IconGridFoundation wallStraightWindow.png Scorpion IconScorpion.png

FilterIconsIndustry.png Industry

Mining Platform IconFortPlatformShort.png Mining Stairs IconFortStairShort.png Power Connection Gear IconPowerConnectorNode.png Power Connection Rope IconRope.png Power Mill IconAnimalMill.png Wind Mill IconWindmill.png Workshop Area IconStructureIndustry3x3Outer.png

LivingConditionsWater.png Water

Aqueduct Pump IconIndustryAqueductWaterpump.png Aqueduct Slope - Gentle IconIndustryAqueduct10Slope.png Aqueduct Slope - Steep IconIndustryAqueduct25Slope.png Aqueduct Straight IconIndustryAqueductStraight.png Canal IconIndustryCanal100Straight.png Canal Storage IconIndustryCanalStorage.png Heating Vat IconIndustryHeatingVat.png Shallow Well IconWell.png Water Wheel IconIndustryWaterwheel.png

FilterIconBlacksmith.png Smithing

Anvil IconIndustryAnvil.png Barreling Station IconBarrelingStation.png Bellow IconIndustryBellow.png Forge IconIndustryForge.png Quenching Station IconIndustryQuenchingBucket.png Stone Anvil IconIndustryAnvilStone.png Trip Hammer IconTripHammer.png

FilterIconCooking.png Cooking

Banquet Table IconFoodTable.png Firepit IconFirepit.png Hearth IconHearth.png Liquid Barrel IconLiquidBarrel.png Meat Rack IconMeatRack.png Mill IconFlourMill.png Oven IconOven.png Pantry IconPantry.png

FilterIconVehicle.png Vehicles

Battering Ram BatteringRamIcon.png Caravan CaravanIcon.png Catapult CatapultIcon.png Hand Cart CartIcon.png Resource Wagon WagonIcon.png Small Boat BoatSmallIcon.png

FilterIconFarming.png Farming

Drying Rack IconTannery.png Farm Fence IconFarmFence.png Farm Gate IconFarmGate.png Food Trough IconFarmFoodTrough.png Hen House IconHenhouse.png Stable IconSmallBarn.png Tilled Field IconFarm.png

FilterIconLumber.png Lumber

Powered Saw Mill IconWoodSaw.png Sawbuck IconWoodChoppingStation.png

FilterIconStone.png Stone

Furnace IconSmelter.png Mineral Refinery ResourceIron.png Stone Cutter IconStoneMill.png

MapStoreSilverRefineryIcon.png World

Cave MapIconSilverMine.png Treasure Gold.png