Town Center

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The central structure in a Town that is required for further development. Players can deploy here as reinforcements to defend the Town. Weapons and other consumables can be stockpiled as well.l
- In-game description.


The Settlement Center is the first tier of the primary structure of your settlement and also its starting point. Once completed it will allow for the construction of basic Structures needed to develop your settlement.


Name Slots Stack Limit Conditions
Respawn Supplies 1 10000 Only Reinforcement Supplies IconReinforcementSupplies.png
Inventory 22 1000 Any Primary tool Any Secondary tool Any Head Armour Any Body Armour Any Weapon storage 
Treasury/Upkeep 4 30000 Only Silver Gold.png
Note that currently no damaged equipment such as Tools, Armour or Weapons can be stored in these slots. Instead these will need to be repaired first at the Repair Bench or stored inside a Storage Chest.

The central structure in a Town that is required for further development. Players can deploy here as reinforcements to defend the Town. Weapons and other consumables can be stockpiled as well.
- In-game description.


The Settlement Center (Tier 2) is the first upgrade to the Settlement Center, unlocking access to a majority of currently available Structures.


Name Slots Stack Limit Conditions
Respawn Supplies 1 10000 Only Reinforcement Supplies IconReinforcementSupplies.png
Inventory 22 1000 Any Primary tool Any Secondary tool Any Head Armour Any Body Armour Any Weapon storage 
Treasury/Upkeep 4 30000 Only Silver Gold.png
Note that currently no damaged equipment such as Tools, Armour or Weapons can be stored in these slots. Instead these will need to be repaired first at the Repair Bench or stored inside a Storage Chest.

The central structure in a Town that is required for further development. Players can deploy here as reinforcements to defend the Town. Weapons and other consumables can be stockpiled as well.
- In-game description.


The Settlement Center (Tier 3) is upgrade to the Settlement Center (Tier 2) unlocking the final upgrades and Structures for your settlement.


Name Slots Stack Limit Conditions
Respawn Supplies 1 10000 Only Reinforcement Supplies IconReinforcementSupplies.png
Inventory 22 1000 Any Primary tool Any Secondary tool Any Head Armour Any Body Armour Any Weapon storage 
Treasury/Upkeep 4 30000 Only Silver Gold.png
Note that currently no damaged equipment such as Tools, Armour or Weapons can be stored in these slots. Instead these will need to be repaired first at the Repair Bench or stored inside a Storage Chest.


In order to access many of a settlements structures and inventorys a player will need to pledge to the settlement. This is currently done by joining a Family Homestead and claming a House Bed inside.

Note: You can only pledge to a single settlement, attempting to pledge to more than one will remove you from your previous settlement, reseting your rank.

Votes and Ranks

With the exception of the settlement founding player there are currently 4 earnable settlement ranks.

Status Permissions
Lord A founding title role, or the thane with the highest number of votes. Has Thane equivalent permissions
Thane Reduced restrictions for accessing inventories, opening gates, and dismantling structures within that settlement. Required to build in the towns core.
Ceorl Can receive votes to become Thane. Costs 250 Silver.
Serf Can vote for Ceorls to become Thanes. Costs 50 Silver
Cottager No Special permissions

Once pledged to a settlement your rank will start at Cottager. Selling items to a Marketplace Shop will give you Silver. With 50 Silver you can advance to the rank of Serf, and 250 more Silver after that to go from Serf to Ceorl. Once you reach the rank of Serf you can vote for a Ceorl to become Thane. In order to vote just select the round checkmark next to their name within the town UI. It will take multiple votes before a Ceorl is elected a Thane. Removing your vote will demote them from this position.

Thanes have special permissions within the settlement, they're able to build in the settlements core, freely demolish structures, and adjust gate access.

Founding a Settlement

Town Names

Currently all town names come from a developer selected list. When naming a town you can choose one of those faction specific names. If the selected name has already been used within the region a roman numeral for that number of names will be placed after it. i.e `Buckmarch II` or `Iron Bridge IV`.


Belleburg Bellefort Bellestowe Blud Castle
Bludholme Bludworth Bolt Hill Boltfield
Boltwic Buckhampton Buckbury Buckmarch
Crooked Bridge Crooked Castle Crookedshire Crow Castle
Crow Hill Crowhollow Iron Bridge Iron Wood
Ironmarch Mist Keep Mistholme Misthollow
Ox Keep Oxholme Oxminster Staff Bridge
Staffort Staffworth Worfort Worstowe


Ax Bridge Axbury Blackhampton Blackmarch
Blackstowe Deer Keep Deerstowe Deerbury
Harefield Harewic Harewood Mirford
Mirham Mir Keep Raven Hill Ravenburg
Ravenwood Ryefort Ryeholme Ryeminster
Swordfort Swordhollow Swordwic Strait Castle
Straitfield Straitford Twin Bridge Twin Hill
Twinhollow Turnglen Turnham Turnstowe

List of Structures
IconFamilyAreaMarker.png Common

Advanced Workbench IconAssemblyStation.png Dirt Path IconRoad.png Homestead IconGroupHouse.png Homestead Bed IconFoundationBed.png Homestead Bunk Beds IconFoundationBedMulti.png Large Homestead IconLargeFamilyCenter.png Repair Bench IconRepairMaterials.png Resource Stockpile IconResourceStockpile.png Standing Torch IconTorchStatic.png Storage Chest IconStorageChest.png Workbench IconWorkbench.png

FilterIconsSettlement.png Settlement

Beacon Tower IconBeaconTower.png Bridge IconWallPlatform.png Family Hall IconFamilyHouse.png Merchant IconMerchant.png Supply Shop IconStructureSupplies.png Tavern IconTavern.png Town Bed IconHouseBed.png Town Bunk Beds IconHouseBedMulti.png Town Center IconTownhall.png Town Marketplace IconMarketplaceShop.png Town Workshop IconToolMaker.png

MapIconHouse.png Housing

Flowers IconCosmeticStructFlowers.png House IconHouse.png House Module Corner L IconHouseModule L.png House Module Corner L (with window) IconHouseModule L Window.png House Module Corner R IconHouseModule R.png House Module Corner R (with door) IconHouseModule R door.png House Module Front IconHouseModule Front.png House Module Side IconHouseModule side.png

FilterIconsCamp.png Camp

Camp Gate IconGateCamp.png Camp Palisade IconCampWall.png Large Camp IconCamp.png Siege Ladder IconSiegeLadder.png Small Camp IconCamp.png Tent IconCampTent.png

FilterIconsDefenses.png Defense

Fort Gate IconFortGate.png Gate IconGate.png Low Divider IconCosmeticStructDivider.png Makeshift Wall IconWall.png Stockade IconCampStockade.png Tower IconWallTower.png Weapon Stockpile IconWeaponStockpile.png

FilterIconsFoundations.png Foundation

Foundation Gate IconFoundationGate3x3x9.png Scorpion IconScorpion.png Short Step IconModuleStep3x3x1.png Wooden Fort (Arch) IconFoundationArch3x3x9.png Wooden Fort (Octagon) IconFoundationOctagon3x8x9.png Wooden Fort (Rectangle) IconFoundation3x6x9.png Wooden Fort (Square) IconFoundation3x3x9.png Wooden Fort (Staircase) IconFoundationSideStaircase.png Wooden Fort Hoarding IconModuleFiringPort3x3x3.png Wooden Fort Ramp IconModuleRamp3x3x1.png Wooden Fort Ramp (Long) IconModuleRamp3x3x6.png Wooden Interior Archway IconModuleSquareWallArch3x3.png Wooden Interior Ceiling IconModuleSecondFloor3x3.png Wooden Interior Door IconModuleSquareWallDoor3x3.png Wooden Interior Pillar IconModulePillar3x3.png Wooden Interior Wall IconModuleWall3x3.png Wooden Parapets IconModuleTrim3x0x2.png

FilterIconsIndustry.png Industry

Power Connection Gear IconPowerConnectorNode.png Power Connection Rope IconRope.png Power Mill IconAnimalMill.png Wind Mill IconWindmill.png Workshop Area IconStructureIndustry3x3Outer.png

LivingConditionsWater.png Water

Aqueduct Pump IconIndustryAqueductWaterpump.png Aqueduct Slope - Gentle IconIndustryAqueduct10Slope.png Aqueduct Slope - Steep IconIndustryAqueduct25Slope.png Aqueduct Straight IconIndustryAqueductStraight.png Canal IconIndustryCanal100Straight.png Canal Storage IconIndustryCanalStorage.png Heating Vat IconIndustryHeatingVat.png Shallow Well IconWell.png Water Wheel IconIndustryWaterwheel.png

FilterIconBlacksmith.png Smithing

Anvil IconIndustryAnvil.png Barreling Station IconBarrelingStation.png Bellow IconIndustryBellow.png Forge IconIndustryForge.png Quenching Station IconIndustryQuenchingBucket.png Stone Anvil IconIndustryAnvilStone.png Trip Hammer IconTripHammer.png

FilterIconCooking.png Cooking

Banquet Table IconFoodTable.png Firepit IconFirepit.png Hearth IconHearth.png Liquid Barrel IconLiquidBarrel.png Meat Rack IconMeatRack.png Mill IconFlourMill.png Oven IconOven.png Pantry IconPantry.png

FilterIconVehicle.png Vehicles

Battering Ram BatteringRamIcon.png Caravan CaravanIcon.png Hand Cart CartIcon.png Resource Wagon WagonIcon.png Small Boat BoatSmallIcon.png

FilterIconFarming.png Farming

Drying Rack IconTannery.png Farm Fence IconFarmFence.png Farm Gate IconFarmGate.png Food Trough IconFarmFoodTrough.png Hen House IconHenhouse.png Stable IconSmallBarn.png Tilled Field IconFarm.png

FilterIconLumber.png Lumber

Powered Saw Mill IconWoodSaw.png Sawbuck IconWoodChoppingStation.png

FilterIconStone.png Stone

Furnace IconSmelter.png Mineral Refinery ResourceIron.png Stone Cutter IconStoneMill.png

MapStoreSilverRefineryIcon.png World

Clay Mine IconResourceClayMine.png Coal Mine IconResourceCoalMine.png Iron Mine ResourceIronMine.png Stone Mine IconResourceStoneMine.png