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Horses are a way for players to cross large distances faster & plunder
- In-game description.


Horses are Animals that are an essential means of transportation in Anvil Empires, allowing players to cover large distances quickly and effectively.

Taming and Upkeep

Initially found in the world as Foals, horses can be tamed and grown into fully-grown adults by putting Equine Feed into a Food Trough; horses can follow players by holding Horse Feed in your hands. In addition, Horses can be fed and healed by pressing the LMB on their mouth while holding Equine Feed. Once a settlement has at least two horses they can be bred at the Stable as another method for obtaining new horses.

Hunger decay rate is 2.5% per minute. Hunger decay rate is not impacted by different activities.


In order to mount and ride a horse you will need attach a Saddle. Either a Basic Saddle for riding, or a Mill Harness for use on the Power Mill. Horses can also be attached to other vehicles such as:

Resource Wagon

The Resource Wagon is an open-top cart used exclusively for transporting structure resource type items.


Caravans are an enclosed cart used for transporting other items and Barrels. They can also be deployed to establish Large Camps.

List of Animals

Bear MapIconAnimalDenBear.png Bear (Elite) MapIconAnimalDenBearElite.png Boar MapIconAnimalDenBoar.png Boar (Elite) MapIconAnimalDenBoarElite.png Chicken IconChicken.png Deer MapIconDeer.png Dire Raven MapIconAnimalDenRaven.png Donkey HorseIcon.png Foal HorseIcon.png Horse HorseIcon.png Rabbit MapIconRabbit.png Wolf MapIconAnimalDenWolf.png Wolf (Elite) MapIconAnimalDenWolfElite.png