Roasted Game

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A reasonable portion of flame-roasted meat. Prepare a fire and let it burn until the flames are low and the coals hot. Clean, dress, and portion the carcass of wild game. Prepare a spit by splitting and binding a sturdy branch, then impaling a portion of meat. Roast over the coals, turning until cooked well.}
- In-game description.

Source Output Input(s) Method Value

List of Foods

Bloodberry Field Bar IconBerryRation.png Boiled Cabbage IconCabbagePreserves.png Boiled Eggs IconBoiledEggs.png Egg Tarte IconQuiche.png Grilled Whitefish IconSmokedFish.png Lost Bread IconFrenchToast.png Mead IconTavern.png Pemmikan IconFoodRation.png Plain Alemette IconOmlette.png Roasted Game CuredMeat.png Roasted Hog’s Leg CuredMeatBoar.png Small Roasted Game IconMeatRationCooked.png Trencher Bread IconCookedBread.png Water Pie IconSmallMeatPie.png