Update Pre-alpha Test 10

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Pre-Alpha Test Sep 6 - Key Changes

The following only represents significant and not all changes in the build this afternoon. As a reminder, during pre-alpha both small and large changes will occur without warning to facilitate rapid development and experimentation.

Settlements & Homesteads

Settlement centers (e.g. Gathering Pits) are now intended to be public areas that are shared between among players. Public structures like roads, walls, gates, etc still require Settlement centers to build and are managed by elected officials (see Lords & Thanes below).

Homesteads are now the intended areas for individual or private group progression. Structures like Anvils, Farms, Stables, etc now require Homesteads to build and are managed by members of the Homestead. Any Homestead member is free to dismantle any structure built within a Homestead. Homesteads can be expanded but require ongoing property taxes based on size.

We are looking for feedback on how to iterate on the Homesteads experiment to make them more usable in the future. Please let us know what you would like added or improved.

Lords & Thanes

Founders have been removed and replaced with the Lord Settlement status. When a Settlement is established, the builder becomes the temporary Lord. Lords and Thanes are now elected officials based on voting requirements that scale with Settlement population. The official with the most number of votes becomes the Lord of the Settlement.


  • Horses and attached vehicles like Caravans and Carts are now distinct entities with separate health and other state
  • The deployment map has had several improvements including the capability to directly deploy as reinforcements across regions
  • Tier 1 Modular Houses have been added
  • Legacy "monolithic" Houses have been removed (Modular Houses and House Beds should be used instead)
  • Increased size of Settlement area by 33%
  • Beds must be fully enclosed by walls and a ceiling to build and use
  • Server performance optimizations
  • Bug fixes

09/Sep/2023 - Build 59119


  • Added scrollbar on to the Homestead names list.

06/Sep/2023 - Build 58941


  • Homestead structure added.
  • Modular house parts now have two tiers.
  • Lord title added to settlement ranks to replace founder.



  • Founder title has been removed from settlements.
  • The Hut structure has been removed from the build menu.
  • The Large House structure has been removed from the build menu.