Update Pre-alpha Test 9

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Incomplete feature list

Modular houses

Players can now build their house with modular pieces. You can place one or multiple beds and set your spawn at that house


Players must now build a property before they can build a house on top. The property restricts access to anything built on the property to only those that are part of the family. Properties can be extended by snapping extra properties on the side of existing ones. Remember to manage your properties public/private access rights if you want to restrict who can join the property.

Town marker system

Town markers have been scrapped for now. Towns by default allow a large build radius. The intention is to allow people to build out their properties without worrying about space.

Deployment system improvements

New unified deployment map.

Bug fixes and tweaks

Many small bug fixes and tweaks including some performance updates.

24/Aug/2023 - Build 58467




XP system for increasing player town rank was removed, replaced with local coin system.