Update Pre-alpha Test 12

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Pre-Alpha Test Oct 13 - Key Changes

The following only represents significant and not all changes in the build this afternoon. As a reminder, during pre-alpha both small and large changes will occur without warning to facilitate rapid development and experimentation.


  • Hearths and Ovens can now be built inside modular Houses
  • Modular House doors now have stairs attached to the bottom for easier access
  • Hoe and Scythe now require processed Iron instead of Flint
  • Homesteads can now be built over steep elevation and through certain environmental obstacles like non-interactable rocks
  • Map can now zoom out enough to view the entire world at once
  • Some smaller structures no longer appear on the map to reduce clutter on the map screen
  • Sowing is a faster and smoother experience

Bug Fixes

  • Players intermittently can't access structures on their Homesteads
  • Logging into the game takes much longer than expected, sometimes resulting in timeouts
  • Can't steal Silver from torched Town Centers
  • Map doesn't zoom far enough out to see the entire map at once
  • Players fall through invisible holes in parts of the map at high elevation
  • Animals don't navigate in certain parts of the map
  • Fish doesn't spawn in many places
  • Boats cannot be built in many locations on the map
  • Players can destroy the beds of offline characters
  • Relic Spears become repairable after being thrown when they shouldn't be
  • Increased chance of getting stuck in last build

13/Oct/2023 - Build 60426


  • Hoe cost was reverted from the previous patch.
  • Scythe cost was reverted from the previous patch.

12/Oct/2023 - Build 60384

