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Unreleased or Disabled Content

This page contains information about content in Anvil Empires that is unreleased, disabled, or removed from the game. As such it doesn't apply to the current live version.

Crab is an unreleased animal. It is expected it will drop Common Meat.

List of Animals

Bear MapIconAnimalDenBear.png Bear (Elite) MapIconAnimalDenBearElite.png Boar MapIconAnimalDenBoar.png Boar (Elite) MapIconAnimalDenBoarElite.png Chicken IconChicken.png Deer MapIconDeer.png Dire Raven MapIconAnimalDenRaven.png Donkey HorseIcon.png Foal HorseIcon.png Horse HorseIcon.png Rabbit MapIconRabbit.png Wolf MapIconAnimalDenWolf.png Wolf (Elite) MapIconAnimalDenWolfElite.png