Update Pre-alpha Test 15

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Pre-Alpha Test Nov 29 - Key Changes

The following only represents significant and not all changes in the build this afternoon. As a reminder, during pre-alpha both small and large changes will occur without warning to facilitate rapid development and experimentation.


  • Marketplace Shops and items for sale are now always visible to friendly players globally (across regions even)
  • Parapets are now entirely free to build, but must be snapped to Forts
  • Stand alone Houses with interiors added (as an alternative to modular houses)
  • New stand alone Tier 2 & Tier 3 Workshop Area structure (replacing modular Workshop Areas for now)
  • Firepit can now cook Boar and Deer Meat
  • Cooked Food now has 3 levels of quality, which gets reduced as it begins to burn
  • Cooked Food now takes much longer to burn, enabling passive cooking as an option (if you don't care about quality)
  • Map screen has new visuals and location names
  • Map layout has changed slightly (west coast)
  • Camps now have a Call for Reinforcements button that notifies other players in the world to join as reinforcements for an attack
  • When a Settlement is under attack, an alert is now shown to players that can be used to directly deploy as reinforcements to help defend the location (this is only sent to players inside their home Settlement)
  • When returning to your Settlement after deploying as reinforcements, your previous inventory will be restored
  • Reinforcement Supplies and Labourer Supplies can no longer be removed from Town Centers or Camps
  • Beacon Towers can now be built outside Settlements
  • Beacon Tower radius has been increased significantly
  • Beacon Tower cost and fuel cost have been significantly reduced
  • Easy to obtain items like Ash and supplies no longer have value at the Marketplace Shop
  • Items produced in Barrels have reduced Marketplace Shop value
  • House Beds and Bunk Beds can no longer be built right next to each other
  • Settlement Progression has been overhauled to include more hunting and reduce the reliance on wood
  • Tanning Racks have been added and is now where Leather is refined
  • Animal Bones added as a build resource and drops from various animals
  • Animal Fat is now a build resource and drops directly from various animals
  • Tanned Leather is now a build resource
  • Wood Planks are no longer stackable, but Wood Plank requirements have been drastically reduced across all structures and items (this was done as building/relocating the Sawbuck to Tree locations was undermining the entire transport economy)
  • Costs of most structures have been adjusted to require less Wood Planks, but now require Animal Bones, Animal Fat, or Tanned Leather
  • Sawbuck now yields +1 more Wood Planks for each type of Wood Log
  • Hand Cart inventory size increased to 6
  • Cart inventory size increased to 9
  • Stone/Iron Off Cuts now yield increased from 1 to 3-4 Stone/Iron Fragments
  • Wolves & Boars have slightly more health
  • Labourer Supplies now cost Silver (at very low cost)
  • Hammer/Flint Hammer durability slightly increased

Bug Fixes

  • Resolve several client and server crashes
  • Revolved another case of players not being able to log in
  • Can't transfer items to House Bed when first interacting with it
  • Tier 3 Modular Houses don't have collision and are not considered an enclosed space
  • Marketplace Shop's can't be hovered over for viewing in many cases
  • Many other small bug fixes

29/Nov/2023 - Build 61856


  • Added Tanning Rack for leather based recipes.
  • Added House for prefab housing.
  • Added Workshop Area for prefab workshop.
  • Added Animal Bones.
  • Added quality levels to food items.
  • Added button to camps that notifies other players in the world to join as reinforcements for an attack.


  • Twigs renamed to Branches.
  • Wood Planks are no longer stackable.
  • Animals will now drop Animal Fat.
  • Animal Processing was renamed to Animal Crafting.
  • Wooden Parapets are now free to build.
  • 56 Structures had recipe cost changes. Reduction of planks, adding of animal fat and animal bone, and processed leather.
  • Sawbuck logs now give +1 plank from each type of log.
  • Beacon Tower can now be built outside a towns build radius.
  • Beacon Tower cost was changed from 10 Wood Planks to 3 Branches.
  • Large Camp reinforcement supply stack limit changed from 250 to 10000. And labourer supplies from 250 to 30000.
  • Hand Cart inventory slots changed from 4 to 6 and stack limit from 30 to 4, but forces all items to stack.
  • Resource Wagon inventory slots changed from 8 to 9 and stack limit from 30 to 4, but forces all items to stack.
  • Food burn times drastically increased to support new quality system.
  • Firepit can now cook Deer Meat and Boar Meat.
  • Oven can now cook Berries and Common Meat.
  • Barrels of Labourer Supplies cost changed from Wheat Sheaf or Cabbage Plant to 1 Silver.
  • Marketplace Shops and items for sale are now always visible to friendly players globally (across regions even).
  • Map screen has new visuals and location names
  • Map layout has changed slightly (west coast)
