Update Pre-alpha Test 14

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Pre-Alpha Minor Test Nov 15th - Key Changes

The following only represents significant and not all changes in the build this afternoon. As a reminder, during pre-alpha both small and large changes will occur without warning to facilitate rapid development and experimentation.


  • Silver economy
  • Silver required in more places
    • Marketplace will now pay the default price for each item to the seller right away. If price is set higher and another player makes a purchase then the profit will be paid out later.
    • World merchants now have a lot more items for sale
    • Nearby merchants visible on map
    • Homesteads will have to pay tax according to the number of homestead buildings they own
  • Horse and Donkey now require different saddles to function as transport, work, or cargo
  • Supply stations have been taken out. Town halls and camps can be stocked with supplies to maintain the town and provide reinforcement supplies.
  • Towns and camps start out with starter reinforcement supplies

Bug Fixes

  • Public/private item issues
  • Deploying as reinforcement crashes
  • Jump spam
  • Homestead flags revealing towns far away
  • Officials being able to dismantle homesteads after the 5min timeout
  • Many other bug fixes

15/Nov/2023 - Build 61507


