Update Pre-alpha Test 19

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Pre-Alpha Test Feb 14 - Key Changes

The following only represents significant and not all changes in the build this afternoon. As a reminder, during pre-alpha both small and large changes will occur without warning to facilitate rapid development and experimentation.


  • Major Settlement Changes
    • Goals
      • Improve the manner in which individual players and dedicated groups can coexist in the same Settlement and allow each to have their own autonomy/progression while still sharing a common goal
      • Fewer, but more significant Settlements in the world where significant sieges and battles can happen
    • Key Changes
      • Settlements now consist of a Settlement Core, Family Halls, and Family Homesteads which relate to each other as described in the diagram below
      • Family Homesteads can exist very far from Settlement Cores (up to 5x the prior maximum Settlement build radius)
      • Lords & Thanes are responsible for building out the Settlement Core while other players have a Family Homestead where they can progress without bothering or being bothered by other players
      • Families can transport and securely store assets in their Family Hall in the Settlement Core
      • Some structures types can only be built in the Settlement Core, some can only be built at a Family Homestead, and some can be built at both
      • A specific number of Family Halls and Population are required to upgrade Settlements to Tier 2 and Tier 3
      • There many other changes relating to dismantling, building, and permissions that were made to suppoort this feature
      • Note that this is a big feature that is still under heavy development. Expect there to be bugs and quirks that may hinder gameplay. Please provide us feedback to improve these changes in the upcoming tests.
  • New Feature: Dire Raven
    • A new type of flying animal
      • Yields Feathers, Animal Fat, and Common Meat
  • New Feature: Deadwood Tree
    • A new type of tree that can be harvested for Deadwood, which can be refined into Dead Wood Planks
      • Dire Ravens congregate around Deadwood Trees
  • New Feature: Deadwood and Deadwood Planks
  • Family administration user interface has been updated (which is now accessible at the Family Hall)
  • New system for consistently rendering items in various structures / vehicles (Resource Stockpiles, Carts, Handcarts)
  • When opening the build menu, dismantle button only shows for structures in range reducing the amount of buttons shown and resolving FPS issues
  • Low Divider cost reduced
  • Short Bows now require Deadwood to Dead Wood Planks
  • Battering Rams can now travel across region borders (but only the front left player will travel with it while others will be ejected)
  • Build radius ground visuals have been tweaked for improved visibility
  • Families can no longer ally with Families in other Settlements
  • Decay has been temporarily disabled for this test

Bug Fixes

  • Animals can sometimes get stuck and stop walking even without obstructions
  • Screen resolution does not auto update to the selected resolution when swapping to Fullscreen
  • Weather events arent spawning on a regular basis as expected
  • Left toggle button on Sawbuck doesn't work sometimes
  • Vaulting sometimes results in stuttery movement
  • Players relogging back into the game are sometimes shown the spawn screen instead of spawning directly into their offline characters
  • Boat VFX aren't appearing when travelling over water
  • There is oddly shaped landscape in some areas of the map
  • Tanning Rack is floating when built on a slope
  • Players are dismounting at the sides of Boats instead of on top
  • Players can shoot arrows through Interior Walls and Houses
  • Players can drown on land in several areas of the map
  • Windmills disappearing at night when outside view range
  • Fort/House interior structures not having consistent collision, client-side
  • Several structures and tooltips have outdated or incorrect descriptions
  • Windmill has a "Detach Animal" button when it shouldn't
  • Boats can move on land
  • Left clicking on the ground while holding Water causes stamina loss despite no action being performed
  • Client can crash when opening the map under certain circumstances
  • Windmill wind SFX do not loop properly
  • Cart SFX is consistent
  • Players do not drown in certain rivers when they should
  • Lighting is green at 3AM
  • Parts of the Marketplace Shop model are floating when built on a slope
  • Dismounting a Ladder that is pitched makes the player character model pitched in the same position
  • Equip SFX plays often when players enter visible range
  • Some rock collisions have inaccurate collisions