Update Pre-alpha Test 20

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Pre-Alpha Test Feb 28 - Key Changes

The following only represents significant and not all changes in the build this afternoon. As a reminder, during pre-alpha both small and large changes will occur without warning to facilitate rapid development and experimentation.


  • New Feature: Stone Anvil
    • Bronze weapons can be crafted here using a Bronze Ingot and Hammer
  • New Feature: Bronze Weapons & Tools
    • Bronze variants of Axe, Pickaxe, Sword, Knife, and Spear can now be made
  • New Feature: Malachite, Cassiterite, Copper, & Tin
    • Resources used to craft Bronze Weapons
  • New Feature: Drying Rack (redesign)
    • Items placed on the rack must be dried for a specific period of time
    • Visuals change to indicate current dryness
  • New players joining a Settlement can now directly build a Family Homestead without a Family Hall
  • A Family is now created when a Homestead is built and the two are bound to each other
  • Family management is now done at the Family Homestead
  • New feature: Animal Harvesting
    • After killing an animal, the corpse must be harvested with a Knife to procure resources
    • Some animals require specific types of Knives to harvest
  • Family Homesteads now have some storage to help players get started
  • Family Homesteads can now only be dismantled if they don't have members and there are no built structures inside it
  • Family Halls are now structures in the Settlement Core that can be optionally claimed to store large quantities of private items securely
  • Family Homesteads are immune to damage (temporary change)
  • Deadwood Trees now require at least Bronze Axes to chop down
  • Dialog now pops up to prompt a player to join a Family when a Homestead is built
  • Dialog now pops up to prompt a player to claim a House when a Bed is built
  • Weather events are more frequent
  • Visuals for items in Resource Stockpiles, Carts, and Handcarts has been refreshed
  • Ravens are less aggresive in attacking players and deal less damage
  • Deadwood Trees no longer spawn inside forests, making them easier to spot from a distance
  • Number of Merchants in the world reduced by 25%
  • Family Homestead Animal Bones cost to upgrade to Tier2 increased from 5 to 10
  • Furnace now requires Stone Fragments instead of Stone Bricks to build
  • Furnace can now be built at Tier 1
  • Stone Mace can now be made at the the Workbench using Stone Fragments
  • Short Bow and Arrows are now produced at the Advanced Workbench instead of the Workbench
  • Deadwood Trees now require at least a Bronze Axe to chop down
  • Short Bow Dead Wood Planks cost reduced from 2 to 1
  • Oil Flask direct damage reduced by 33%
  • Fibre item has new icon
  • Storage Chests are buildable everywhere again
  • Bridge health increased by 15%
  • Merchants now only sell Wood Planks, Stone Bricks, and Iron Ingots
  • New Barrel environmental props have been added to the world
  • Reduce opacity of Beacon Tower circles on map so they aren't as distracting
  • Duration of "Settlement under attack" alerts increased
  • Bandwidth optimizations
  • Ram speed required to deal damage on impact is more generous

Bug Fixes

  • Players can't open friendly Interior Doors when deploying as Reinforcements
  • Tents can't be built in Settlements
  • Vehicles are not repairable
  • Demolishing a structure often destroys nearby structures
  • Player stays inclined when their horse dies on an slope
  • Item meshes in Resource Stockpiles, Carts, and Hand Carts look incorrect in some cases
  • Workbench can be used before pledging to a Settlement
  • Fort Gate prop meshes are floating when built on a slope
  • Ravens dive into the water when their RavenDen is on the coast
  • Cart GUI has a broken layout
  • Family Hall doesn't have fire VFX when scorched
  • Animal behaviour against players on roads is inconsistent depending on whether or not the player is riding a vehicle
  • Players can see small parts of enemy player's visuals in the dark, beyond their vision range
  • Set as Allied Homestead button can be spammed to fill Homestead Members list
  • Players can ally another homestead multiple times.
  • You can press E while mounted on a Caravan, which opens two inventory panels for the same inventory

Known Issues

  • Camps can't be built within a large radius around enemy Settlement Cores, making sieges difficult
    • Dev Note: We are looking to address this before the next Major test

28/Feb/2024 - Build 63832



  • Bridge HP increased from 65 to 75.
  • Oil Flask damage changed from 30 to 20.
  • Short Bow Dead Wood Planks cost changed from 2 to 1.
  • Dire Raven Damage changed from 50 to 35. Health changed from 175 to 200.
  • Tanned Leather was renamed to Thin Leather, can be stored inside stockpile.
  • Leather renamed Thin Pelt.
  • Tanning Rack renamed Drying Rack. Single slot to dry each input item. Item will increase in quality over time.