Update Pre-alpha Test 17

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Pre-Alpha Test Jan 10 - Key Changes

The following only represents significant and not all changes in the build this afternoon. As a reminder, during pre-alpha both small and large changes will occur without warning to facilitate rapid development and experimentation.


  • Workbench has been redesigned so input resources have a dedicated inventory
  • Blacksmith has been removed and producible items have been moved to the Workbench
  • Advanced Workbench has been added
  • Assembly Station has been removed and producible items have been moved to the Advanced Workbench
  • Seasons & Weather Prototype
    • The world now transitions through 4 seasons (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter)
    • Weather events may occur at random in the form of Rain and Snow Storms
    • Seasons & Weather does not interact with gameplay yet with the exception of player temperature
    • Players now have a temperature stat and will take damage if it drops below zero
  • Item quality is now displayed in Marketplace Tooltips
  • Only weapons, armour, and food can be stored in Barrels
  • Only weapons, armour, and food can be stored at Town Center or Camp stockpiles

Bug Fixes

  • An issue causing login to fail when too many players attempt to log in at
  • Marketplaces will forget the default value of items when leaving and returning
  • Offline characters are sometimes not saved during server restarts
  • Items stack inconsistently in stashes
  • Foals do not survive long in the stable after born even with adequate food and water
  • Players spawn too far from Barracks Cots
  • Refunding items being produced sometimes results in the incorrect amount returned
  • Thrown Water VFX shows opaque effect
  • Boar texture is incorrect
  • Settlement chat channel is available when the player isn't pledged to a Settlement yet
  • Merchants can be dismantled by any player
  • Industry Prefabs don't have collisions
  • Pledged list user list only highlights a user when the mouse reticle is over the edge and not the center
  • Players will be instantly killed at certain wild spawn points

10/Jan/2024 - Build 62531


